Category: General

Communion Registration

Dear Parents/Guardians: 


I hope you and your family had a wonderful and fun summer break. This letter is to inform you that registration for your child’s First Holy Communion is now open for the 2023/2024 school year. 

The Second Vatican Council teaches that parents, “by word and example, are the first Heralds of the faith with regard to ... Continue reading "Communion Registration"

Notice of Election for CSC 2023-2024

Catholic School Council members have a special commitment to their school. They demonstrate enthusiasm, a desire to make a difference and a willingness to contribute in a meaningful way to strengthen the partnership between school, home and parish. If you would like to put your name forward and become an active participant in your child’s education please complete the attached CSC Nomination Form. Successful candidates ... Continue reading "Notice of Election for CSC 2023-2024"